Top 10 Most Shocking Facts in the World


Here are the top 10 most shocking facts in the world.


1. The shortest commercial flight: The shortest commercial flight in the world is between two Scottish islands, Westray and Papa Westray. The journey lasts about 1.5 minutes.


2. Plastic in human bodies: Microplastics have been found in human blood, lungs, and placentas. The long-term effects of these particles on health are still being studied.


3. The longest hiccup on record: An American named Charles Osborne hiccupped continuously for 68 years, from 1922 to 1990.


4. The loudest sound ever recorded: The eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 was heard 3,000 miles (4,800 km) away and caused barometric pressures to fluctuate around the world.


5. Overpopulation of species: Australia has so many kangaroos that they outnumber humans in the country by a ratio of about two to one.


6. The largest living organism: The largest living organism in the world is a fungus called *Armillaria ostoyae*, which spans 2.4 miles (3.8 km) in Oregon’s Malheur National Forest.


7. Ant colonies wage wars: Some species of ants wage wars against rival colonies and take prisoners as slaves.


8. Penguins have knees: Penguins’ legs and knees are hidden under their feathers, giving them a more streamlined appearance.


9. The coldest temperature ever recorded: The lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth was -128.6°F (-89.2°C) at Vostok Station, Antarctica, in 1983.


10. Jellyfish are ancient creatures: Jellyfish have been around for about 500 million years, making them older than most marine life, including sharks.


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